If you’d like to write for Eucharisma and can sign our forms of unity, then add yourself to the mailing list below to receive details of future themes and deadlines.

Pitch us at editor [at] eucharisma.co.uk.

Aimed at Pastors

We’re looking for rich, long-form articles that are connected to the church and addressed to non-technical audiences.

Eucharisma has two aims.

1. To foster spirit-filled thinking

2. To connect thinkers from across their various spheres of influence to help overcome our siloed nature.

Broad in Scope

We publish exegesis, theology, church history, and practical churchmanship; as well as book reviews.

Striving for Unity

Within our forms of unity we expect to publish articles we disagree with.

We invite reply articles and are committed to slow, thoughtful discussion

Our Forms of Unity

Orthodox Christianity

WE REquire all writers to affirm the three ecumenical creeds

Evangelical Christianity

We require all writers to affirm the evangelical alliance statement of faith

Charismatic Christianity

We require all writers to be continuationist in theology and write from this perspective

Moral Orthodoxy

We require all writers to affirm that:

“Marriage is the exclusive union of one man and one woman and is a picture of the relationship between Christ and his bride the church. Sexual intimacy is a gift from God to be enjoyed only within the context of marriage.”